Saturday, January 17

Aren't kids just great? No matter how much trouble they get into I still have a hard time getting on to them, because I really just want to laugh

Okay, so Yesterday was my birthday....Happy birthday to me....Grace thought that she needed to get all dolled up and put some makeup on too....

Today we had Upwards. It was quite the interesting day. Kaitlyn did great for most of it, but then she was suddenly to tired to cheer. (Granted we had to go to the ER last night and so she didn't get to sleep til 2:30 this morning.) Over all I think that she did great! Here are a few pics from today's game.

She really can cheer. She loves it and it is the only real thing I can hold over her. When her attitude gets to be to much, all I have to do is ask if she still wants to cheer and she usually straightens up real fast...Thanks Coach Amy and Coach Haley.


Melissa said...

I can't see the picture you from upwards :(

Christy R said...

Hi Christy! You have a cute blog ;-)

Was the 16th really your birthday? I was just wondering because it was mine & I was wondering if we had the same birthday ;-)

See you Tuesday!